Siberian forest cat

Siberian forest cat

Siberian forest cat - the ancestors of this breed are Bukhara cats, which were brought with them by Asian traders. Local settlers willingly acquired them in order to cope with rodents. Bukharin’s quickly assimilated with local taiga cats, adapted to the harsh conditions of the north, grew a warm fur coat and learned to hunt perfectly. Later, thanks to Russian merchants, Siberian cats spread throughout the country. They could be found both in palaces and in the shack of a simple peasant. It is believed that the Siberian cat is the hero of many folk tales and epics.

The breed received official recognition only at the end of the 20th century: in 1987 it was first registered in the club "", and in 1992 it was recorded in the World Organization of Cat Fanciers and the standard was approved. Since then, Siberian cats have been actively participating in various exhibitions and international competitions, and often take prizes.

Description of the breed

Siberian cats are large breeds. They have a strong muscular body, powerful neck and chest, strong legs with massive pubescent pads and a long, wide tail, Siberian forest cat. The cat's head is large and round, with well-defined cheekbones and medium-sized but wide ears with small tassels at the ends. The eyes are large, oval in shape, often green or blue in color.

Although the Siberian cat is a semi-longhaired breed, it has an impressive thick coat with a very dense undercoat and a tough water-repellent guard hair that reliably protects the animal from cold and overheating. In winter, the coat becomes even longer: the animal has fluffy "pants" and "collar". The most amazing thing is that the Siberian cat is considered hypoallergenic (especially the female), so you can safely start an animal without fear of allergic attacks, Siberian forest cat. The color of the breed is very diverse: white, cream, black spotted (marble) and brindle, blue, tortoiseshell, silver chinchilla, red (from red to brick), bicolor and tricolor. Only Burmese, as well as chocolate or cinnamon colors are considered undesirable colors. Cats with white hair and color point stand out in a separate subspecies - Neva Masquerade.


The Siberian cat is distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity; they also have a well-developed hunting instinct. This breed is distinguished by a strong affection for the owner, friendliness and sociability. Although many owners note the wayward nature of their pets: proud and independent. Also Siberians are often compared to guard dogs: they are wary of strangers, do not like loud sounds and can selflessly defend their territory. At the same time, representatives of the breed get along well with children, although they demand respectful attitude towards themselves and will not allow them to pull their tail or squeeze too much. They rarely get along with other animals and reluctantly, they can often fight with them. In general, the Siberian cat is considered calm and balanced, although she loves to play and play pranks.

Care and maintenance

It is best to get a Siberian cat if you live in a private house so that the animal can walk and satisfy its hunting instincts, Siberian forest cat. They will do an excellent job with rodent pests. If you live in an apartment, remember to regularly walk your pet on a leash or harness. It is also advisable to install a special corner in the house where the cat can play and actively move. Purchase a roomy couch in advance; otherwise you will have to clean the furniture from wool later.

You need to take care of the Siberian cat regularly and carefully, especially during the molting period. 2-3 times a week, carefully comb her coat with a special long-toothed comb and go through with a slicker. In order for the cat to calmly endure the procedure, start teaching the kitten to combing from an early age. You need to bathe the animal once every 3 months with a special shampoo, and then dry it thoroughly, Siberian forest cat. Claws can be trimmed or purchased with a high scratching post. The latter can be made independently by wrapping a piece of pipe or a board with thick jute fabric. Remember to regularly clean your pet's ears with a dampened cotton swab.

As for the diet, Siberian cats can be fed both with specialized feeds (it is necessary to alternate dry food with canned food), and natural food. Meat can be given raw, scalded or boiled, and offal and fish can only be boiled. Add eggs and dairy products to your diet once a week. Vitamins and minerals can be added to food as recommended by your veterinarian. The main thing is not to overfeed, but malnutrition is also dangerous for a pet.

Education and training

Siberian cats are extremely intelligent, and therefore easily amenable to training and training. But first, you should train the kitten to use a litter box (some cats prefer a toilet) and a scratching post. Forbid the animal to climb on the dining table and steal food.

The Siberian cat perfectly distinguishes the intonation of the owner and is able to remember several commands, for example, to bring small objects upon request. The main rule: no negativity during training. Even a stern voice can upset or offend a pet, and it will be impossible to continue training. Turn everything into a game, and don't forget to praise the animal after each success. It is also worth remembering that this breed is characterized by slow maturation, and finally the character, psyche and thinking of a cat will develop only by three years. Therefore, do not expect great success at an early age.

Health and disease

The Siberian cat is distinguished by its good health and longevity. But with age or due to improper care, they may have problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Allergies such as dust or pollen are rare.

Do not forget about regular vaccinations of your pet and prevention of helminthes - this will save your pet from many common diseases and complications.

History of the Siberian cat

Siberian cat

Siberian cat

The image of a Siberian forest cat - a large, fluffy, healthy animal, with a developed hunting instinct, not afraid of harsh winters, has absorbed all the archaic ideas of Russians about pets of the feline family. For a long time, our compatriots called every large, long-haired representative of the feline genus a Siberian cat, or Siberian, be it a family darling or a yard robber.

Until the end of the last century, perhaps, not one of the owners of the Siberian in our country thought about the origin of their pet, implying as a matter of course that the ancestors of the animal were from Siberia. But in the 80s, when organizations and clubs of cat lovers began to be created in Russia, the question arose: who are the progenitors of the most popular representatives of the feline genus among the people?

Disputes are still ongoing. It is believed that the distant ancestors of true Siberians are the Norwegian forest cats. They could have been brought to Siberia by settlers from the northern regions of Russia during the development of this territory, which began in the 16th century. Written mentions of the so-called Bukhara cats - fluffy strong animals that could be found in all regions of the Russian Empire, and not only in Siberia - date back to the same period, Siberian forest cat. They supposedly came to Russia together with merchants from Central Asian countries. Bukhara cats are often called relatives of Siberians. It is also possible that domestic cats that ended up in Siberia could have offspring from wild cats. As a rule, among the latter, Pallas' cat is mentioned - cute butut the size of large domestic cats, owners of the thickest and fluffiest fur among cats.

Most selenologists generally reject such a notion as a single "indigenous Siberian breed", and they call unconfirmed assumptions about the ancestors of the Siberian cat myth-making. They indicate that in the 80s of the last century, at the beginning of the "cat movement", in Russia there was a definition for Siberians, which meant approximately the following - "a large cat with thick hair and not white color."

However, whoever the ancestors of domestic cats from the Siberian regions were, initially their genes were not a fundamental link in the breeding of a standardized breed, which began in 1986. During the formation of the breeding nucleus, and this took place mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, breeders mainly selected for breeding the largest and most fluffy domestic cats of the "Siberian type" from those that the townspeople brought them to determine the breed, Siberian forest cat. No one went on an expedition to the remote taiga villages of Siberia in search of “true Siberians” at that time, and only a few animals brought from the Trans-Ural regions of Russia were registered in the clubs of both capitals. Then there were even proposals to give the breed the name "Moscow".

Siberian kitten

Siberian kitten

Later, representatives of felines from Siberia and the Far East began to actively engage in breeding work, Siberian forest cat. They represented a rather variegated exterior group: cats from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, and Kemerovo were distinguished by a specific fine texture of wool; animals of Far Eastern origin were distinguished by a large size, massive skeleton, a heavy head, and long hair of a rough texture. In a word, the variety of "Siberian type" cats made the breeding work of breeding an original, truly Russian breed, very painstaking and difficult.

In 1991, the World Cat Federation (WCF) adopted the Siberian cat breed standard, developed by the authoritative selenologist Olga Mir nova. He was approved as a worker. Three years later, the organization recognized the standard as official.

In 1996, the breed was recognized by the American organization TICA, and a year later Russian breeders achieved recognition of the Siberian breed by another prestigious federation - Fifed.

Today in Russia there are several well-known centers where Siberian cats are bred. The main ones are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but such cities as Saratov, Krasnoyarsk, Kirov, Petrozavodsk, Yekaterinburg, Kursk have already joined them, there are also more than a hundred clubs in different regions of the country, Siberian forest cat. We can say that the first truly Russian breed of cats was formed, but the breeders do not stop in their work to consolidate the type of breed, paying special attention to the preservation of the large size of the animal and its massiveness, as well as the quality of color. One of the colors of the Siberian cat, called "Neva Masquerade", has been identified by Russian and some international organizations as a separate breed. 

It is worth saying that many Siberian and Far Eastern breeders are currently breeding cats based exclusively on the local population, creating their own lines. However, they do not always have the opportunity to present their pets at all-Russian exhibitions.

The appearance of a Siberian cat

Fluffy Siberian handsome

Siberian cats have a truly lordly appearance. Large enough on their own, they look even more imposing thanks to their luxurious coat, Siberian forest cat. The powerful body with strong muscular paws wonderfully harmonizes with the sweetest graceful muzzle, under which an imposing "frill" flaunts.


The Siberian cat is proportionally built, its massive, dense body of medium length, slightly elongated. The back is powerful, the neck is short, and the chest is voluminous.


The shape resembles a wide trapezoid; the muzzle is characterized by a smooth outline. The transition from the forehead to the nose is not abrupt. The chin is well defined, the cheekbones are developed, set low, the cheeks are full.


The ears of a Siberian cat are of medium size, wide at the base, slightly rounded at the tips. A slight forward tilt is noticeable. The auricle is covered with fur.


Expressive, medium-sized, oval, set wide apart and slightly oblique. The eyes are colored evenly; their color can be green or yellow of all shades.


Paws are large, rounded, between the toes - bristly tufts of hair.


A gang of Siberian cats

A gang of Siberian cats

The tail of a Siberian cat is of medium length, wide at the base, gradually tapering to a rounded tip. It is pubescent evenly, resembles a raccoon's tail.


The Siberian cat has a very dense, soft undercoat with a fine texture. It is covered with a coarser top coat, also quite dense, harsh to the touch. The cover hair evenly covers the back and falls smoothly to the sides and base of the animal's tail. The top coat is shiny, water-repellent. Summer is much shorter than winter. In the warm summer season, a Siberian can look like a shorthaired cat, only the tail remains fluffy. In winter, the coat looks very rich, the cat gets a luxurious collar, the hind legs are decorated with fluffy "pants", and the tail becomes even more pubescent.


The colors of the Siberian cat are solid and patterned. Among the main solid (monochromatic) colors of the Siberian are black (only black pigment is present in the wool) and red (only yellow pigment is present in the wool). Each of these two intense colors corresponds to a clarified analogue: black - blue, red - cream, Siberian forest cat. In all cats with a monochrome color, without exception, all the hairs are dyed evenly from root to tip. Among the intense colors, those that look the most juicy and bright are the most appreciated. For clarified analogs of monochromatic colors, on the contrary, light, delicate shades are preferred.

There is also a tortoiseshell color - the imposition of a solid black color on a solid red and, accordingly, blue on a cream. In this case, spots of black and red or blue and cream colors are evenly distributed throughout the coat. Usually this color is the dignity of females, but sometimes males are born "turtles", however, as a rule, they are not able to give offspring.

One of the most common colors among Siberian cats is tabby (wild color). In this case, dark and light areas alternate on each hair, forming certain patterns on the animal's wool cover, Siberian forest cat. Three main varieties of this color are recognized in the Siberian breed: marble (classic), brindle, spotted. Each of them has its own color intensity.

Masquerade - color-point Siberian cat, isolated as a separate breed

 Masquerade - color-point Siberian cat, isolated as a separate breed

Smoky (or smoky) and silvery colors of Siberian cats are also recognized as a standard. In this case, the hairs are not completely colored: at the roots they do not have pigmentation, remaining pure white, then, as they approach the tip, they can be painted in black, blue, red, cream, tortoiseshell, cream-blue.

Siberian cats of golden color are very good-looking, whose fur is in perfect harmony with their green eyes. In these cats, part of each hair is colored apricot.

White color is rare, but very beautiful. The so-called white colors are also recognized, which are divided into 4 main types:

spotted color - either individual hairs on the neck, chest or abdomen are painted white, or one or more small snow-white specks are present on the coat;

bicolor - from 1/3 to 2/3 of the animal's coat is painted white, ideally white should be a triangle on the muzzle from the bridge of the nose down, breast, belly, inner part of the limbs;

Harlequin - white color extends to 2 / 3-5 / 6 of the coat, the tail remains colored, small spots on the head, shoulders, back, hips;

Van - the cat is almost all white, except for the tail and two spots on the head behind the ears.

The following colors are not recognized by the standard: Abyssinian tabby, chocolate, cinnamon (close to the color of cinnamon), lilac, fawn (light beige) and their derivatives.

The color-point color has been identified by domestic selenologists as a separate breed - the Neva Masquerade, but it is not yet recognized by all international associations.

Siberian cats (description, care).

The Siberian cat is a breed of semi-long-haired cats with a thick, moisture-proof coat, a fluffy tail and a cute expression on the face. Today it is very popular, because it is considered hypoallergenic - in the saliva of these animals, the level of the enzyme that leads to an allergic reaction is very low.

The first mentions of cats that look like Siberian ones date back to the 16th century. At that time they were widespread throughout the Russian Empire under the name “Bukhara.” It is not known for certain how and when they came to Siberian lands, because local residents, due to their predominantly nomadic lifestyle, practically did not have pets, Siberian forest cat. During the colonization of Siberia, they brought cats with them to fight rodents. Another version says that the Bukhara beauties were brought in by merchants from Central Asian countries, who were actively engaged in trade at that time. It is likely that the Persian, Angora and Siberian breeds had common ancestors who came from Asia together with immigrants.

Gradually, the breed spread to Siberia. In harsh weather conditions with strong winds, frosts and an abundance of snow, the Siberian cat "acquired" long dense hair and a thick undercoat that protected it from the cold, Siberian forest cat. The genes of wild forest cats also played a role in the formation of the breed. Siberians actively spread in the western and central regions of the country, where the forest cat gradually penetrated from Western Europe. He found an excellent food base and an acceptable climate here, as a result of which he began to actively reproduce, mating with cats brought from Siberia.

In 1987, scientists started breeding Siberian cats. The first breed standard was approved in 1990 by the Soviet Federation (SF). Two years later, in 1992, the breed standard was officially registered by the World Cat Fanciers Organization (WCF). In 1994, the final standard was formed, and in the period from 1996 to 2000. Siberians were recognized by such international organizations as TICA, Fifed, and CFA.

Cats of the Siberian breed are a strong, rather massive, muscular animal with a wide chest and powerful bones, which vary in size from medium to large. The weight of males can reach 9-12 kg, while cats weigh 6 kg on average, Siberian forest cat. According to the standard, the body weight of cats should not be less than 4.5 kg, cats - less than 3 kg. Representatives of the breed develop rather slowly - they gain full muscle mass only after reaching the age of five.

The head has a trapezoidal shape, large, in proportion to other parts of the body. A smooth transition from the forehead to a wide nose, low cheekbones, a strong, wide chin and slightly rounded cheeks make the appearance of the Siberian cat very expressive. Ears of medium to large sizes are set wide apart, with rounded tips, often topped with brushes and tassels. The eyes are oval, slightly raised and pointed at the outer corners, yellow or green in color, Siberian forest cat. White or color point cats may have blue eyes. The limbs are of medium length with large, powerful paws, between the toes decorated with tufts of wool, which they inherited from the steppe and forest cats. The tail of cats of the Siberian breed is medium, well pubescent and gradually tapering towards the end.

The coat is of medium length, dense and water-repellent. The close-fitting undercoat is well developed, subject to seasonal changes - it thickens in winter and thins significantly during molting in summer. The hair is shiny; the texture can vary from soft to coarse. Long adornment hairs form a lush collar, frill and mane. A characteristic feature of “Siberians” is the presence of “pants” on their hind legs.

The standard of Siberian cats allows all traditional colors (patterned, monochromatic) and color points, with any amount of white, Siberian forest cat. Representatives of the breed with a color point and white color belong to a separate subspecies called the Neva Masquerade cats. Unacceptable colors include lilac, fawn, chocolate, cinnamon and Burmese.

Siberian cats enter the reproductive age quite early - from 5-6 months. This is explained by their relationship with wild cats, which often die at a fairly young age. The offspring of cats on average consists of five to six cubs. Representatives of this breed have become famous as excellent parents; males often help females to take care of kittens. They happily live together, and some females prefer the company of one male throughout their lives. Because of their communal nature, Siberian cats are much happier when paired. The presence of a relative is good for the activity and emotional health of animals.

Siberians have an independent, strong character and a sense of their own dignity, while being sensitive and affectionate to their master. They can only become good friends with people who respect the opinions of others, Siberian forest cat. They recognize only one owner, comforting him in a difficult situation and never bothering him with his company if he is busy. They do not like to adapt to others very much and will not always be happy with unexpected caresses, tk. are influenced by mood. Despite their waywardness, Siberian cats are very playful, cheerful and unpretentious. For their size, they have excellent responsiveness, flexible and agile, which allows them to easily jump from one tall cabinet to another.

Siberian cats, thanks to their wild roots, can be called natural-born hunters. They have kept their hunting instinct and use it whenever possible. If a Siberian lives in a private house, you can be sure that not a single rodent will be found in the house. In rural settings, Siberian cats can even hunt larger prey in the form of rabbits or ferrets, which are sometimes even brought home. Siberians are one of the few cats that are endowed with watchful qualities - they always inform the owners about the arrival of guests, are absolutely fearless, do not fear dogs, strangers and harsh sounds. Representatives of the Siberian breed are absolutely not aggressive and not vindictive, the voice is given extremely rarely, and more often they just look at the owner, trying to explain "without words" what they need. They love to pretend to be overly proud.

Representatives of the Siberian breed are distinguished by their mobility and prudence. Before going for a toy in a hard-to-reach place, they often think for a while, Siberian forest cat. They love height; they often climb the highest points in the house. Siberians simply adore games and are happy to bring various toys, balls or strings in their teeth, if only the owner would play with him.

 Siberian cats have been studied for several years. Despite the lack of scientific evidence, many owners and breeders claim that this breed will be safe for many allergy sufferers. Females produce less of the allergic protein Fell D1 than cats, so people with allergies are encouraged to have cats. Scientists have found that the largest amount of the enzyme is produced by animals with a silver color. Half of the breed has a lower Fell D1 content than other breeds, and about 20% produce very little.

The wool of a Siberian cat does not require special care, as it does not roll into tangles. It is enough to brush your pet once a week to remove dead skin flakes and hairs, as well as to stimulate blood circulation, which improves the condition of the coat and skin. It is best to carry out this procedure before feeding, during which the Siberian will be rewarded with tasty morsels, Siberian forest cat. First, the wool is processed with a fine comb, then with a fine-toothed comb, and then combing with a brush. The tail is brushed only with a brush. It is advisable to accustom the animal to all procedures at an early age.

The Siberian cat does not need frequent washing; one bathing a year will be enough for those animals that do not leave the house, and two or three water procedures for cats visiting the street. Since Siberians are not very fond of "taking a bath", it is advisable to do this together with an assistant. You must first cover the ears of the animal with cotton swabs, Siberian forest cat. First, the wool is carefully soaked with a sponge, and then a special shampoo is applied. After washing, rinse thoroughly, and wrap the pet with a towel and wipe his face with a cotton swab. After water procedures, the cat should dry in a warm, draft-free place.

Keep your eyes and ears clean. Eyes should be cleaned with a paper towel or a damp, lint-free cotton cloth as discharge develops. Open ears of Siberians should be cleaned once a month using cotton swabs moistened with a special liquid or oil. Only the visible surface of the auricle should be processed. The teeth can be brushed with a baby toothbrush using special toothpaste. There is no need to trim the claws, the animals themselves have successfully.

The diet for a Siberian cat must be selected very carefully. The best option would be natural food: fish, meat, eggs and herbal ingredients. For proper development, maintenance of good shape and health of the coat, Siberians need regular walks and active games, Siberian forest cat. The pet will certainly be delighted with a corner specially equipped for him, where he can frolic and hide if he wants to rest.

About the cattery

Welcome to the site of our kennel “Skis".

We are located in the city of Ivanovo (Russia). It is 300 km from Moscow, but this distance does not prevent our pets from living in different parts of the world. The owners of our kittens keep in touch and share photos with pleasure.

Our cattery is registered under the WCF system.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

All producers of the cattery are tested for HCM (cardiomyopathy) and PKD (polycystic kidney disease) without fail.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

Kittens move to new homes at the age of at least 3 months, vaccinated, socialized, accustomed to the tray and scratching post. Animals that are purchased as pets are sold by us already neutered.




Xenia Siva

Last year I became the happy owner of Ditka’s luxurious cat “Skis" ..! He came to us at the age of five and a half months ... We did not have a period of adaptation, there was a feeling that the cat had always lived with us...! I can write endlessly about the merits of my cat - we tolerate children like a real father of a family, treats guests like a hospitable host, no problems with the tray, furniture and curtains safe and sound on the tables does not climb (not a tsar's business), affectionate to obscene I tirelessly express my gratitude to Oksana for her professionalism, superbly educated, healthy and stunningly beautiful cats you very much..!


Almost two years ago, a new family member, Kazak Skis, appeared in our house. I approached the choice of a cat very seriously. I chose the breed for a long time, finally decided that it should be exactly the Siberian (aboriginal breed, good health, calm character). And I chose the nursery all over Russia even longer, Siberian forest cat. The choice fell on the kennel Skis, which I am very happy about. Many thanks to Oksana; she helped me choose a kitten for our way of life and character with my husband. There were no problems when moving, I immediately went to the tray, and I never tore the furniture. Quasar is a sociable cat, not obtrusive at all, playful, and very smart. Somewhat naughty, but that only makes him look good, he's still a child))) we often go to his parents with him, and he easily tolerates it! In our family, already under Quasar, a baby appeared, and, which cannot but rejoice, he is very lenient towards children's leprosy. He never raised a claw on a child, although his son strokes him as best he can, maybe he can pat his coat and poke a finger in the eye to try. I consider all this to be the merit of the breeder - Oksana. Correctly selected parents and good upbringing gives results) everyone who sees the Quasar is amazed at its size (about 7 kg) and unanimously says that this is how a real Cat should look! I wish prosperity to the nursery and every success to Oksana and her husband.

I want to say a huge thank you to the kennel “Skis" in the person of Oksana and Alexei. They are masters of their craft! Talented and very good-natured people! Not so long ago, we bought our little cat son), in April of this year, and we are very happy about it! He is the favorite of our family, our glorious little boy and mischievous) Do not feed bread, let him run and play pranks) in the good sense of the word. Furniture did not tear a day! Was accustomed to the tray immediately! The same thing with a scratching post, immediately took a fancy! The adaptation went more than well, 2-3 days and the cat already felt comfortable exploring every corner of the apartment) we are very curious, Siberian forest cat. Another moment, an adequate reaction to children, they drag him in their arms, he will meekly hang on his hands in an unclear position))). Very smart and clever! Now I recommend this cattery to everyone! Only this one and no more! this is exclusively my opinion, and it may differ, but after calling many catteries and talking with the owners, I was very, very upset, I will explain why ... it seems that people breed kittens solely for the purpose of "making money" love for their pets and they are not interested or important in the further life of their kittens! As I was told in one of these places - "Pay money, and then it doesn't matter to me what you do with him! Castrate or breed, sell or throw away”.... Oksana is still in touch with us, and always ready to help and support in any situation and just rejoice for our achievements, together we watch how our Xavier grows and develop. Thanks again!!! I adore you!

Kara Weisman

I want to say many thanks to Oksana for the fluffy red sun, which, thanks to her, now lives

In my house! Recently, the Voodoo from the Skis kennel moved to Ryazan. He has not lived with us for long, but has already become a full-fledged member of the family) this is a very smart, affectionate and sedate cat.

Thank you, Oksana, for your constant support and support on all emerging issues, for your sincere empathy, for your kind attitude and caring heart! May you be accompanied by success in your business, which brings people happiness, and the cats - a new loving home!

Galina Andria nova

More than three years ago the beautiful Eye Skis came to my nursery. A kitten was bought for breeding. Many thanks to Oksana for your trust! The kitty fully met my expectations! We have never left the exhibitions without a reward. And she pleased us with beautiful pedigree kittens. To the kennel Skis of prosperity!!!

Microsoft Tails

Our happiness knows no bounds!!! Your graduate Daniela Master (at home quickly renamed Dania :)) is an example of an IDEAL Siberian cat.

After all, Dana is already 4 years old and has something to draw conclusions about!

He behaves superbly at exhibitions. Calmly and with dignity, which was specially noted by the judges? This is a SHOW class cat.

In a simple daily "kitty" life, he is always with us. Very smart, he calls us into the kitchen when he wants to eat, calls us into the room when he wants to play, Siberian forest cat. A very well-mannered cat, and always knows what is possible and not. A wonderful interlocutor, always meows, purrs, such a little chatterbox)).

In summer, he quickly got used to it at the dacha and patrols its territory from morning to evening, hunting all living creatures (moles, mice), as well as forest birds. And forest birds are not city pigeons)). He loves to show off his prey, confirming his title of the Hunter. 

We cannot rejoice at his cleanliness, accuracy, gentleness and intelligence!!

In short, this silvery lump of 10 kg made our life!!!!!))))

Good luck in everything!!!! Thank you!!! We are immensely grateful! Best regards, the isthmian family!

And we were looking for a cat for a family with small children for a very long time... In order not to offend, not to scratch, it would be a kind and fluffy, affectionate lump. The entrance to the cattery Skis was, one might say, accidental, since at first they wanted to take a kitten from the shelter. But maternal concern for the health of children overpowered, the youngest was only half a year old. And in this cattery there are very clean, well-mannered, healthy cats. I consider it a great success that we were able to find Oksana, and, of course, our Helvetica. Helga is now three years old, Siberian forest cat. She turned out to be a very independent lady, not aggressive, patient with children (once the youngest, when she was learning to walk, grabbed Heal by the tail and hung on it, and so - the cat patiently endured it)) did not meow, hissed or scratched, but just waited until the baby finds another support). From the very first day, not a single miss in the tray, he loves when guests come - and the guests are surprised at how open and affectionate the cat is. Her look is very stern and angry, but her character, on the contrary, is affectionate and homely, if the children are sad, she comes to them, walks around the child in circles, rubs, and then climbs onto her knees and purrs. 

Oksana Minerva

We are very grateful to Oksana for the incredible Siberian cat, which has been warming us for three years, delights and creates the weather in the house! Usually, when they ask about cats, they are interested in what they eat, how they use the litter box, and if they spoil the furniture and curtains. What stupid questions) is it possible to talk about such nonsense that is so natural for Oksana's graduates! Our Techno is involved in all family matters, be it renovation, recreation, decorating a Christmas tree or shopping. He perfectly travels on all types of transport, instantly adapts to a new place, and friendly welcomes newcomers to the family. It is very pleasing that the cat's psyche is stable, he is balanced and inquisitive, calmly allows him to carry out various manipulations - combing his hair, getting vaccinated, cutting claws, and so on, Siberian forest cat. But don't think that Tasha is phlegmatic. What I like most about him is that his behavior is adequate to events. He is heavy, sturdily built, and he knows about it - he does not jump from a height, he is neat and collected. He knows what he wants and knows how to wait. He is affectionate but not intrusive. He's almost perfect.  


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